タイトルアイコンPort of Wajima

There are various facilities in the Port of Wajima.

Port of Wajima

No.4 Breakwater

No.4 Breakwater

In 1978, No.4 Breakwater was built for the ships to secure a safe location to evacuate from storms and rough waves. A port with such breakwater is called "port of refuge". There are 35 designated port of refuges in Japan.

No.4 Breakwater (Artificial Rocks)

No.4 Breakwater (Artificial Rocks)

Port of Wajima Marine Town

Port of Wajima Marine Town

Development of breakwaters have calmed inside the port of Wajima and a recreational area that connect the lives of Wajima residents and the sea, was created. On May 4, 2010, passenger ship terminal was opened there, and passenger liners and sailing ships are scheduled to stop. (Please click "Port Call" for details.)

Ishikawa Prefecture Noto Civil Engineer General Office

Ishikawa Prefecture Noto Civil Engineer General Office

In charge of constructing Marine Town, as well as development and maintenance of Port of Wajima, Port of Udezu and Port of Anamizu.

Contact Us
Inquiry using a form
Inquiry Form
Inquiry by phone
Assistance Service Desk of the Sea and Port
Toll-free number Hours of operation 0120-497-370 Also accessible from Mobile and PHS
Sea Wave Information in Ports(Real-time)
Sea WaveYou have access to the real-time wave information at all ports in Japan. Broadcasted by The Nationwide Ocean Wave information network for Ports and Harbors (NOWPHAS)
QR CODE"You can check the information of waves in the Hokuriku region from your mobile phone.